‘As a busy family law Practise, we receive regular enquiries in relation to the manner in which access should be exercised – common examples would be the following
– my son does not want to participate in access visit – do I have to force him?
– my child is sick and due to spend this weekend with his other parent – can I ask for access to be suspended this weekend?
– how to I approach changing arrangements when my ex-partner refuses to engage with me?
We endeavour to advise on a case by case basis but at the same time we, like most advisors in this area of practise, cannot micro manage every situation.
During the COVID19 pandemic, recourse to Courts was not possible and individual parents, while separated were co-parenting. Many clients had existing Access Orders in place but often sought practical guidance from their solicitors.
The Court, in particular this statement released by the President of the District Court on the 26th of March 2020 provided some sound, pragmatic guidance and we would advise all clients to read the statement. While admittedly not addressing every possible scenario that might arise, it enunciates the spirit of a positive and heathy access arrangement where the welfare of the child is at all times paramount.
Should you have any queries in relation to Guardianship, Access, Custody rights please contact………………………………………….